Data Collection: None
Data Management: Read from 1+ ASCII, binary, CSV, Excel files
Tabulations: Any complexity
Charting: Coming soon
Automation tools: Yes
Scripting or user interface: Mainly scripting
Online reporting: No
Imports: Triple-S, SPSS
Exports: Triple-S, SPSS, Quantum, SAS, CSV, Excel, ASCII
User level: Professional data processing staff
Price level: $$$
Data Collection: Paper surveys, CAPI, CATI
Data Management: Read from 1+ ASCII, binary, CSV files
Tabulations: Full range of table types
Charting: No
Automation tools: No
Scripting or user interface: Graphical user interface
Online reporting: No
Imports: Triple-S, SPSS
Exports: Resolve, MRDCL, Triple-S, SPSS, Quantum, SAS, CSV, Excel, ASCII
User level: Researchers, Survey Teams, Data Analysts
Price level: $$
Data Collection: None
Data Management: Read from MRDCL or QPSMR files
Tabulations: Basic tables with add-ins for more complex needs
Charting: Yes with report automation
Automation tools: Yes
Scripting or user interface: Graphical user interface
Online reporting: No
Imports: Triple-S, SPSS via MRDCL
Exports: Excel
User level: Researchers, Data Analysts
Price level: Base Version: Free, Premium Version: $
Data Collection: Paper, CAPI, CAWI/online, Scanning
Data Management: Module to merge and manage data
Tabulations: Full range of table types
Charting: Full range of charting styles with report automation
Automation tools: Yes
Scripting or user interface: Mainly graphical user interface
Online reporting: Client access to reports and data
Imports: Triple-S, SPSS, CSV data, external databases
Exports: Triple-S, SPSS, CSV, Excel, ASCII, external databases
User level: All survey users
Price level: $$