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The CYS Platform allows you to deliver data successfully
The modern way to deliver data is through online dashboards. In our opinion, carrying out good research goes further than asking the right questions, collecting the data to a high standard and providing valuable insights to clients. If data is not delivered in the optimum form for the users of the research, its value will be diminished.
Therefore, online dashboards, which allow different stakeholders to find and explore your data to the depth they need, is crucial to your business. The CYS Platform facilitates this to the highest possible standard – and, at a price that every research agency can afford. Now, everyone can deliver online dashboards.
Online data collection through to online dashboards
The CYS Platform comes with three modules – you can use all or any of these modules to improve your research offering to clients. The modules are:
Whether you want to run short customer feedback surveys or large-scale tracking studies, The CYS Platform has all the tools you need to manage your surveys from end to end, incorporating other data into your dashboards.
Market research meets business intelligence software at an affordable price
There are increasing number of online platforms, some of which can deliver data in online dashboards. Other dashboard systems fail to deliver for (at least) one of these reasons:
The CYS Platform will not fall down on any of these.
Show your survey data alongside other business data
As expectations in business grow, market research providers need to deliver data that clients need, both on their desktop and on mobile devices. Being able to display survey data alongside other relevant data puts your client or users in a strong position. Customising the displays and depth of data so that it is suited to each type of stakeholder adds value to what you deliver. These tools mean that stakeholders can see your survey data in the context of:
Advanced data management means you can offer more
One of the strengths of The CYS Platform is its powerful data management tools. You can set up links to as many data sources as you wish, which can, in turn, update your online dashboards in real time or on demand. This strength is often underestimated, but it means that you can present survey in the way that gives users of the data greatest benefit.
The platform is packed with widgets that allow you to produce highly-attractive, user-friendly dashboards, but you can go further by building your own infographics to bring your data alive for your users.
You can update the dashboard as when you wish or in real time – the choice is yours. The back-end data management tools are unmatched.
Build attractive, flexible questionnaires to generate your data
The CYS Platform comes with a survey builder, making it quick and easy to develop your questionnaires. You can brand your online questionnaires so that they represent your customers or your company as you would want.
The system comes with a complete back-end management system so that you can control survey invites, survey reminders and manage customer databases so that customers or respondents are not contacted too often.
The system can interact with external databases so that it can, for example, send alerts for unhappy customers. Everything you need is in one system.
Don’t get left behind. Deliver insights faster and automatically
Research is becoming faster. Significantly, this means that companies can conceive online surveys and analyse them in some cases within 24 hours.
The CYS Platform allows the whole process to be fast. You can automate insights so that your survey users can act on important data immediately. Data can be fed into the data management module of The CYS Platform and be available in real time.
It’s time to put your client’s data at their fingertips on any device – and quickly.