If you have data that you want to track over time, handling the analysis and reporting efficiently, is going to be important. Tracking studies are used in market research, marketing and other fields measuring performance. It is crucial that an efficient system in is place to handle the analysis and reporting of a tracking study. A poorly organised tracking study may take as much as 20 times as much staff time to carry out as a well organised study.
I am sometimes shocked to see how inefficiently some market research data processing tasks are carried out. Every business has some inefficiencies…
If you are handling a market research project that is being conducted in more than one country, you are not only likely to encounter language issues and dealing with many stakeholders, but the issue of managing data is probably an important consideration.
Like a lot of computer-based tasks, data analysis and tabulations from market research surveys can be easy in many cases, but exponentially more time-consuming when things become more complex…
MRDC Software has been supplying software for market research since 1992. It is known around the world for its leading tabulation software, MRDCL, but has expanded its portfolio of products to have productivity-focused software for data collection, data analysis, reporting and dashboards.
Meadow View House
Fordcombe Road
T: +44 (0)7522 546187
E: sales@mrdcsoftware.com
As leading suppliers of software in Asia Pacific, we have a team of sales, support and software developers at our offices in the Philippines. Please contact our sales executive in Manila for further help.
E: nikki.sunga@mrdcsoftware.com