I am delighted that many in the market research arena consider MRDCL the premium product for crosstabs. I don’t think claiming we have enjoyed this position for about 20 years is overly boastful.

I am delighted that many in the market research arena consider MRDCL the premium product for crosstabs. I don’t think claiming we have enjoyed this position for about 20 years is overly boastful.

There are 1001 platforms for market research and survey analysis. Since 2020, we have made it easy for platforms to embed our MRDCL product as a white-label product, giving more or less unlimited capabilities in building variables and generating the most complex crosstabs.

If you have data that you want to track over time, handling the analysis and reporting efficiently, is going to be important. Tracking studies are used in market research, marketing and other fields measuring performance. It is crucial that an efficient system in is place to handle the analysis and reporting of a tracking study. A poorly organised tracking study may take as much as 20 times as much staff time to carry out as a well organised study.

MRDCL is one of a few software products that allow data processing professionals to efficiently produce volumes of crosstabulations, crosstabs, tabulations, tables or whatever you call them using a scripting language. While hundreds of software products are available for market research and surveying businesses, there are few scripted tabulation software programs.

There are 1001 platforms for market research and survey analysis. Since 2020, we have made it easy for platforms to embed our MRDCL product as a white-label product, giving more or less unlimited capabilities in building variables and generating the most complex crosstabs.

With over a hundred crosstab software packages, including QPSMR, available to the insights and market research business, choosing if and when to upgrade to a powerful tab software product like MRDCL is a tough decision.

I recently met someone who had collected a lot of marketing and market research data. I was asked whether it was better to prepare one or more PowerPoint presentations or to put the data into an online dashboard. As with most questions like this, the answer was “it depends”.

If you are looking for a replacement or alternative to Quantum, you will find that there are very few options. Quantum was for many years the number one software package for market research batch tabulations using a scripting language, but it has effectively been retired as it does not run under modern versions of Windows and is no longer advertised on the owner’s website.

Qualtrics is undoubtedly a market-leading online software platform for the market research and insights industry. However, although it has a big user base, it doesn’t mean it is the right tool or, indeed, offers the best value. Qualtrics was acquired by the monolithic SAP in 2019, leading to increased pricing and, as far as one can tell, a drift away from medium-sized businesses providing market research services. So, how does Snap compare with Qualtrics?