EPS is a technique built into MRDCL which allows you to construct your own templates so that you can read instructions stored in an Excel workbook/worksheet that will generate variables, tables or whatever else you want.

When you get a series of support requests where the recipients of the support reply something like “thanks, but that’s quite tedious to script”, you realise you need to show someone a better way.

One of the topics where we receive most support requests for MRDCL is in the handling of numeric fields or the usage of arithmetic. In this article, I will try to cover most of the issues raised and explain how and why MRDCL works the way it does.

There are many market research tabulation or crosstab software packages available, but few handle tables from tracking studies as well as MRDCL. Tracking studies ..usually become easier to manage… however, the data processing, tabulations and reporting often present problems.

If you are considering purchasing MRDCL, you will likely ask yourself: Why is MRDCL more expensive than many other tabulation software packages? And is it worth the expenditure? The honest and simple answer to those questions, in my opinion, is that it depends on your goals and skills you have or plan to have.

Evaluating any market research software package whether it is for CAPI, CATI, CAWI, crosstabs, reporting or any other task is not easy. Deciding what is best for your business will need to take into consideration functionality and, of course, pricing…

What you get when you buy a software licence in the market research industry will vary from supplier to supplier. Some online subscription services give you nothing more than the right to use the software, others will ….

When it comes to choosing the right crosstab software, there are an enormous number of choices. Do you choose Quantum, MRDCL, Merlin, mTAB, Wincross , QPSMR, Snap, SPSS or one of 100 or more other solutions?