One of the most widely used software packages in the market research and insights business is SPSS. Whether you love or hate it, most research agencies and most research or marketing departments of businesses worldwide will use SPSS.

An explanation of why MRDCL may or may not be the right replacement for Quantum. Hundreds of software platforms now produce crosstabulations (sometimes called crosstabs, tables or tabulations). However, there is a massive difference between what Excel and top-end tabulation software products like Quantum, MRDCL, and Merlin can produce in terms of crosstabs.

MRDCL users are so used to runs completing in seconds that it sometimes comes as a surprise when a run takes several minutes or even hours to run. So, let’s look at the five things that will make your MRDCL runs faster because, in our experience, most long run times can be reduced hugely.

Switching your main tabulation software platform from Quantum to MRDCL is not an easy decision, even when there may be 101 compelling reasons. There is likely to be a concern about moving projects, particularly large or complex ones.

Every software package has problems or could be better. MRDCL is no exception. This will be true if you use MRDCL, Merlin, Quantum, Dimensions, or any tabulation scripting system. As a specialist software package for survey data processing professionals, it will likely present users with difficulties. So, what are the biggest problems you will encounter using MRDCL?

I remember in 1995 or thereabouts reading a prediction that proved to be wrong. The prediction was that, within five years, scripting market research analysis would be dead. Here we are in 2020, and complex or high volume market research…

We are frequently asked by potential clients whether QPSMR Insight or MRDCL is the most suitable product for their needs…

Whether you are producing online questionnaires, tabulations or reports, some market research software systems have friendly user interfaces and others use scripting languages. If you choose to buy a system that has powerful scripting, such as the MRDCL, how do you go about learning the language?

I have always admired Quantum as a market research analysis program. It is still powerful enough to process most survey tabulations, but after almost 20 years without development, its position has slipped. Whilst still functionally strong, modern releases of Windows do not support Quantum. The alternatives are few with MRDCL, Merlin and Uncle being the main choices.

EPS is a technique built into MRDCL which allows you to construct your own templates so that you can read instructions stored in an Excel workbook/worksheet that will generate variables, tables or whatever else you want.