Market research has adopted technology at varying speeds in its history, often at a different rate to other industries. Why is this? Is it important? CAPI (Computer-assisted personal interviewing), CAWI (web interviewing), CATI (telephone interviewing), tabulations, reporting and dashboarding all pose different wants and needs.

Evaluating any market research software package whether it is for CAPI, CATI, CAWI, crosstabs, reporting or any other task is not easy. Deciding what is best for your business will need to take into consideration functionality and, of course, pricing…

When it comes to choosing the right crosstab software, there are an enormous number of choices. Do you choose Quantum, MRDCL, Merlin, mTAB, Wincross , QPSMR, Snap, SPSS or one of 100 or more other solutions?