Resolve is a new crosstabulation and charting product for market researchers and clients to analyse and report market research data. At first sight, this might seem like nothing new…
In some ways, market research data processing has not changed in years. As an industry, we collect data, clean the data, analyse the data and deliver it in some form to clients.
Target weighting is a technique used in market research to scale a sample of respondents to a known or desired target or population. For example, you may have 40% males and 60% females but want 50% of both males and females. MRDC Software can provide you with a free working model in Excel to calculate the weights you need to apply and check your resultant effective sample size.
I remember in 1995 or thereabouts reading a prediction that proved to be wrong. The prediction was that, within five years, scripting market research analysis would be dead. Here we are in 2020, and complex or high volume market research…
We are frequently asked by potential clients whether QPSMR Insight or MRDCL is the most suitable product for their needs…
Whether you are producing online questionnaires, tabulations or reports, some market research software systems have friendly user interfaces and others use scripting languages. If you choose to buy a system that has powerful scripting, such as the MRDCL, how do you go about learning the language?
I have always admired Quantum as a market research analysis program. It is still powerful enough to process most survey tabulations, but after almost 20 years without development, its position has slipped. Whilst still functionally strong, modern releases of Windows do not support Quantum. The alternatives are few with MRDCL, Merlin and Uncle being the main choices.
Crosstabs, survey analyses, call them what you will, are available in a vast number of software products. If you are looking for a top of the range crosstab software package, there are few choices. Here’s a comparison.
When you get a series of support requests where the recipients of the support reply something like “thanks, but that’s quite tedious to script”, you realise you need to show someone a better way.
One of the topics where we receive most support requests for MRDCL is in the handling of numeric fields or the usage of arithmetic. In this article, I will try to cover most of the issues raised and explain how and why MRDCL works the way it does.
MRDC Software has been supplying software for market research since 1992. It is known around the world for its leading tabulation software, MRDCL, but has expanded its portfolio of products to have productivity-focused software for data collection, data analysis, reporting and dashboards.
Meadow View House
Fordcombe Road
T: +44 (0)7522 546187
As leading suppliers of software in Asia Pacific, we have a team of sales, support and software developers at our offices in the Philippines. Please contact our sales executive in Manila for further help.