MRDCL users are so used to runs completing in seconds that it sometimes comes as a surprise when a run takes several minutes or even hours to run. So, let’s look at the five things that will make your MRDCL runs faster because, in our experience, most long run times can be reduced hugely.

There are an increasing number of ways to report market research data. Some take little effort, while others need careful consideration before undertaking. This is not an exhaustive list but illustrates the wide range of options available.

Like a lot of computer-based tasks, data analysis and tabulations from market research surveys can be easy in many cases, but exponentially more time-consuming when things become more complex…

Online surveys may have made conducting surveys easier, but survey analysis and reporting have undoubtedly become more complex. The reason? There is more choice about how researchers deliver findings and, consequently, buyers of research expect more flexibility. Resolve Premium, which we released early in 2021, offers a new alternative to the possibilities available.

As leading market research software suppliers, we have noticed an increased demand by research buyers to access their survey data in recent years. This demand is not new. Back in the 1980s, Quanvert allowed researchers to produce crosstabulations from surveys quickly and easily.

Switching your main tabulation software platform from Quantum to MRDCL is not an easy decision, even when there may be 101 compelling reasons. There is likely to be a concern about moving projects, particularly large or complex ones.

The real question is: ‘Is Resolve a unique survey analysis tool?’ Every market research software supplier wants to claim that its software is unique. Indeed, almost every business wants to claim that their product or service is unique. Of course, they rarely are unique. However, I am going to claim that Resolve is unique, and there are four BIG reasons. But, first, my claim.

It’s very easy to set up a system for data analysis and processing and never change it. As a company, one of the things we like to do once a year is to question how we do everything. This covers everything we can think of – how new sales leads are handled, how we manage purchase invoices and expenses, what each customer might think of us, how impactful our software developments are, etc

Every software package has problems or could be better. MRDCL is no exception. This will be true if you use MRDCL, Merlin, Quantum, Dimensions, or any tabulation scripting system. As a specialist software package for survey data processing professionals, it will likely present users with difficulties. So, what are the biggest problems you will encounter using MRDCL?

I am often asked what is the best software for cross tabulations, tables, crosstabs or whatever you call them. There is a huge choice of products ranging from high end products like MRDCL, Merlin, Quantum down to some free basic tools – and not forgetting Excel. But, QPSMR is a serious contender, but is it the best fit for you?